10VIDEOS.ZIP 7,027 12-04-93 Top Ten Movie Video Rental Bulletin generato
1LPPL110.ZIP 7,899 06-19-93 Oneliners v1.10; PPL Version Displaysoneliners to user, asks if he would like toadd one, shows node display. Displays LastFew Callers. For use with PCBoard 15.0
3DTIME11.ZIP 26,983 10-09-93 3DTIME11; 3D Time Log is designed to do onesimple task, keep track of the elapsed timespent in a door or hook. 3D Time Log appendsthe elapsed time info to a file named in thesame directory it is executed from.
ACTSCAN1.ZIP 40,592 12-31-93 ActivityScan v1.0 - Caller List Maker
ADDAD36.ZIP 26,691 01-13-94 Puts info. file, BBS Ad and BBS comments inInserts a text file into a new uploaded fileshowing important info. about the upload.Will also insert YOUR BBS Comments and canbe a BBS AD file all at the same time. Candet
ADDLOG21.ZIP 6,384 11-20-93 ADDLOG21; A Wildcat activity log appenderadds comments to your wildcat log
ADPRO10G.ZIP 12,137 09-17-93 AdPRO 1.00; This program will add ad's foryour BBS to ZIP or ARJ files so you will getmore business!
AF_200.ZIP 12,135 01-20-94 ░▒▓ ALL FILES LIST GENERATOR v2.00 ▓▒░Generates Robo/FX 1.02 master file lists bydoing either all file areas, or by using anyforum. NO SETUP!!!! All that is needed is tocopy the *.EXE to your RoboFx directory,
ALLSTATS.ZIP 2,794 08-23-93 ALLSTATS.BRP - TriBBS 5.0 ansi stat screenwith 45 different @-Variables.
ALTER20.ZIP 22,780 08-26-93 "Who's on" for Each Node Adjuster ForMULTI-NODE BBS's For T.A.G. BBS 2.6d-f
ANS2MSG.ZIP 12,121 09-26-93 ANS2MSG will translate an ANSI file to aRenegade compatible *.MSG file format usingRenegade's pipe color code system.
ANUFI20.ZIP 30,435 05-23-93 New files manager for RA, Spanish Docs.
AS2PB.ZIP 5,654 07-13-93 SUBUP 1.00: Allows use of AutoScribe orcompatible subscription doors with PowerboarBBS ver 1.2+. 07/13/93.
AVERIFY5.ZIP 51,089 08-16-93 SpitFire Auto Verify v1.05: Spitfire DoorProgram For Sysops Who Use Trial SubscriptioSecurity Levels
BACKSLSH.ZIP 0,414 01-05-94 MDM file for Backslash v32/v42 modems
BBSINF16.ZIP 14,449 06-30-93 BBSINFO v1.6. Makes a great looking bulletinof your BBS stats. Including callers baudrates, # of callers, minutes, all file statsand all message stats. Configurable colors.
BBSPLAN.ZIP 13,678 11-27-93 BBSPlan - List Wildcat conf/file areas
BCOPY050.ZIP 22,052 08-13-93 BBSCopy v0.50; RemoteAccess 2.0 Sysop utilitthat allows copying of files from RA FileBaswithout the need to remember where they areor to look for them.
BCRC100.ZIP 382,122 06-28-93 B-CRC(c) File Upload Checker by CRCSignature for DOOR.SYS based BBS's. VerifiesZIP, GIF, JPEG and sfxEXE's while online.Generates complete report of duplications onyour BBS. SCANS files after U/L forduplicates and s
BCSUTI.ZIP 27,770 12-14-93 BCSUTI v1.1; Universal Text Interface forSPITFIRE
BDGIFT22.ZIP 26,692 01-19-94 Birthday Gift 2.2 For Spitfire; Give YourUsers The Gift Of Extra Time On TheirBirthday! Many Features!
BFE1410P.ZIP 249,218 08-16-93 The World's Premier BBS Front End System.
BR2U.ZIP 3,302 10-07-93 BR [PPE] v.2; Command replacement for use byusers to send messages to one another. Itlogs all messages to the callers log.
BRKCLD9.ZIP 12,854 08-27-93 Utility to break the large board file listinto multiple smaller files. Breaks atlogical file sections. Documentation andsource included.
BWLOC10.ZIP 1,616 09-28-93 BWLOC.PPE v1.0; Bad Weather Log Off Command.Displays a message to user with your BBS namand then logs them off the bbs normally.
CALNUM10.ZIP 10,433 10-02-93 CallNum v1.0; Add a colorful logon screen togreet your users with the number of totalsystem calls (i.e. "You are caller number34314"), but the actual caller number is inBIG ANSI characters!
CBLOCK10.ZIP 18,390 08-08-93 C-Block v1.0; Renegade/GTE Call BlockUtility! Visual Display Of Calls That AreBlocked Adds message on the users SysOp noteif the user has been Call-Blocked.
CC46SPIT.ZIP 317,412 11-13-93 Changes Display Files on certain days
CCALL202.ZIP 57,368 10-26-93 ╓───────────────────────────────────╖║ ░▒▓CCALL v 2.01▓▒░ ║║ The ■BEST■ Callers log Scanner ║║ for WILDCAT BBS systems! : ║║ ■ Fully Customizable ANSI OutPut! ║║ ■ Scans your FD log for Mail
CCOOL101.ZIP 171,525 07-27-93 Split-screen chat for Searchlight BBS
CD2PCB.ZIP 76,176 07-03-93 CD-ROM PCBoard SYSOPS: You can use ANYCD-rom, foreign or domestic, on your board.CD2PCB converts DIR's (files.bbs) toPCBFiler-compatible format (or any other.)Shareware version removes commas from sizes,converts (/,
CENTPPE.ZIP 8,109 09-12-93 PCBoard [PPE]; This program for PCBoard 15.0Sysops: ONLY, shall create applications forCentipede & take care of any questions Usersmay ask about Centipede. Also good forSysops who want to see more about thisNetwork
CEXYZ100.ZIP 57,438 09-24-93 FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driverfrom the author of The Blue Wave Offline MaiSystem. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem(ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K, XmodeCRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Fully windowedgra
CJOIN10.ZIP 7,292 08-02-93 CJoin v1.0 A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE Util!Enhance the PCBoard "J" command by making itmore organized by conference type or network
CKLEVL11.ZIP 9,761 06-09-93 PCBoard Security Level Report Generator -utility which generates a report of thevarious security levels with number of usersin each level as well as listing user namesunder each security level.
CKWHO11.ZIP 11,121 06-17-93 CKWHO v1.10 - Utility for viewing your BBS'sactivity while you are on the network. Displays a screen with similarinformation to PCBoards WHO command. Can havas many nodes as PCBoard since it allows youto p
CLBKV351.ZIP 80,458 12-22-93 MY CallBack verifier by SteveSoft.POWER BASIC 3.0 Re-write!Gives up time slices in DV. 2 commandline options! Detects printer off-line.COM1-COM4, 300-115000 baud, any interrupt.Will use a FOSSIL driver. DIALBACK op
CLINT200.ZIP 2,619 07-06-93 CLINTON v2.00; PCBoard 15.0 PPL application(includes source code) to display a friendlyconservative message. SysOp customizable.
CLINTEGL.ZIP 1,003 08-04-93 Replacement graphics screen for use with theCLINTON.PPE program. A bit snazzier than thplain old default CLNTG file that came withCLINT200.ZIP. This version adds WAIT and CLSmacros to the end of the file for a pause
CMNTPPE1.ZIP 3,811 08-28-93 [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0 or higher. This PPEcompiled Aug. 28 93 Multiple SYSOP commentinsystem, allows to pick the appropriate sysopfrom a list.
CONADD10.ZIP 27,273 07-11-93 ╓──────────────────────────────────────────╖║ CONADD v 1.0 ║╙──────────────────────────────────────────╜CONADD is a SYSOP's utility that facilitateseasy local uploads to a BBS system. It
CONINS14.ZIP 26,665 07-08-93 CONINS v1.04; Small command line utility forSYSOPS & BBS users alike to insert multipleFILE_ID.DIZ description files into archivesusing a BBS file listing or text file. It'sfast and simple to use. If you've got a lot
CPD_100.ZIP 67,851 07-30-93 SpitFire CPD Call Per Day v1.10c** Part of a New type of Utilitieswritten by a SpitFire BBS SysOpwho wants to see more people creatingInexpensive Add-Ons for our BBSi
CREDIT18.ZIP 85,103 09-12-93 v1.8 of the credit card PPE. Allows for yourdesignation of YOUR countrys money symbol.
CSPRO10.ZIP 309,338 11-13-93 CatScan Professional v. 1.0 "The IntelligentFile Processor" CSPro is thestate-of-the-art in Upload File Processors.No other upload file processor provides therich feature set that Catscan Professionalprovides its
CW-MQ-13.ZIP 8,427 08-16-93 MsgQuest v1.3 A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE toplace script questionnaire answer files intoyour message bases & fully configurable too!Registration is req'd to remove Unregisteredfrom tag but registration is free.
CW_BL_12.ZIP 12,172 09-05-93 BBS Lister v1.2; PCBoard 15.0 PPE to View,Add, and Search your BBS list. With 9different search options w/ match counter!Also added 2nd line to list for BBS features
CW_CJ_12.ZIP 9,369 08-21-93 ConfJoin v1.2 Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE UtilEnhance the PCBoard "J" command by making itmore organized by conference type, networks,now with up to 32 groupings, up from prev 9!See history file for more important chan
CW_HH_13.ZIP 6,910 08-23-93 HowHeard v1.3 Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE Utilallows you to upgrade new caller's seclevelconference registration and expiration date,based on answer to single logon question
CW_IA_20.ZIP 15,652 10-12-93 IntApp/Intelec Network Application Generatorv2.0 - Complete network information databasewith search options for conference, nodelistand more! Freeware PPE, installs in CMD.LST.IntApp requires an up to date net info f
CW_MQ_14.ZIP 10,215 09-01-93 MsgQuest v1.4; PCBoard 15.0 PPE to placescript questionnaire answer files into yourmessage bases & fully configurable too!
CW_PE_09.ZIP 16,162 09-01-93 Planet Earth Network Online Application PPE!Now PEN-App offers hub, conf & rule reviews!Install as a SCRIPT.LST script questionnaireHighly recommended for Planet Earth Net Hubsusing PCBoard 15.0. Another Freeware CW
CW_PPP20.ZIP 98,793 10-12-93 The PCBoard PPE PowerPack! v2.0 Twelve greatPCB 15.0 PPE Shareware & Freeware utilities!ConfJoin HowHeard MsgQuest Pro-Vote SpeedLimWelcoMat TimeZone BBSListr UserNews PPE-MenuIntApp and PenApp!! All now distributed
CW_PV_10.ZIP 11,077 09-01-93 Pro-Vote v1.0 A PCBoard 15.0 "PPE" sharewareutility giving up to *32* voting booths! Themenu driven operation allows users to chooseeither A)nswer or V)iew Results. *32* boothsin the registered version only, but Pro-
CW_SL_12.ZIP 5,736 09-01-93 SpeedLim v1.2 Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPE UtilDid you ever want keep out 2400 baud callersexcept for just certain users?? Now you can!
CW_SP_10.ZIP 11,165 10-18-93 SubscriP v1.0! PCB 15.0 PPE Utility from CW!Would you like to offer *instant* subscriberupgrades to your users?? Do you hate dealingwith credit cards and c.c. companies? Do youwish there was an easier and more afford
CW_TZ_20.ZIP 8,896 08-16-93 TimeZone v2.0 A PCBoard 15.0 "PPE" sharewareutility to assign your users time slots. Nowno limitation on how many users! New featurelist includes assigning slots to user recordnote "PSA", exempt callers by security l
CW_WM_14.ZIP 6,703 09-01-93 Welcome Mat v1.4; PCBoard 15.0 PPE thatselectively upgrades certain users that youpre-determined and displays an "upgradednotice" to them. Use at new logon or in BLTsand now offers conference registrations too!
CZBETA2C.ZIP 339,540 07-13-93 CheckZip (CZip) v2.00ßC; The ULTIMATE UploadProcessor! Test ZIP/ARJ/LZH/ZOO/PAK/SDN/GIF/TD0! Convert from ANY using any converterTest uploads for valid CRC's, Viruses Filedates (4 ways), Dupes. Extract archivecomme
DB100.ZIP 60,959 12-28-93 Wildcat! 3.x Utility to keep track ofUsers who Drop Carrier rather than logoff. Writes a DataBase and a Displayfile that you can Name. Allows youto decide how many Droped carriers aretoo many. Runs from POSTCALL.BAT
DCALL23.ZIP 20,709 08-24-93 Deluxt Callers v2.3; The Best 'last callers'Utility. For PCBOARD 15.0! A simple .PPE touse. Installs in just a few minutes. SysOps,surprise your users with a last callers listthat has an *amazing* look!. Can be used
DDM11.ZIP 11,756 05-31-93 DoubleSpace Disk Manager (DDM); provides amenu'ed interface to mount and unmount adoublespaced diskette. Requires MS-DOS 6.0
DDOOR20.ZIP 25,221 08-26-93 DDoor 2.0 PPE; PCBoard 15.0. A completereplacement for the OPEN and DOOR commands!Allows callers to open another door ratherthan returning Main Board Command Prompt.Registration allows callers to stack severaldoor c
DDOV10.ZIP 42,306 01-09-94 A SysOp utility to delete dups/old versUses RBBS-PC's file and location indexwhich any SysOp can easily create. Goodwhen need to clean up hard disk forspace. Especially valuable when havea large batch of new files
DELSHL11.ZIP 39,632 09-14-93 DelShell v1.1; Designed to run DELREN onmultiple messages areas. Read GTMDIR.BBS, oan alternate GTMDIR.BBS and operate one eachmessage area. Optionally Export/Import MMR'spointers via MM_PTCNV prior to executingDel
DEPOS103.ZIP 67,713 08-01-93 The Depository Bank v1.03; This PPE iswritten exclusively for PCBoard version 15.xThe purpose of this PPE is to allow yourusers to bank TIME or BYTES and to recoverthem when needed. It will also allow the useto exch
DESCV10.ZIP 7,354 12-26-93 DESC 1.0 Make DESC.SDI file from text file
DIRCNT16.ZIP 26,828 09-07-93 DirCount; PCB/ProDoor File DIR Header Util.quick and simple utility to keep up-to-dateheaders in your file DIR listings. Includesother handy file directory utils.
DIZ2P109.ZIP 33,753 07-26-93 DIZ/2-PCB v1.09; PCBoard utility to extractFILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK files, addsthe # of files, newest/oldest file dates andthe uncompressed size. Local Uploading.Removes unwanted BBSAds, archive commentgenerat
DIZED49C.ZIP 73,776 03-12-94 DIZEDIT v4.9c; Allows editing of descriptionfiles found in archives. Supports ZIP, ARJand LZH formats. Ability to CONVERT archiveto a particular default format, COPY file anADD ARCHIVE COMMENT for ZIP and ARJ files
DIZMAN12.ZIP 51,889 05-31-93 DizMan v1.20 - The Description Manager!DizMan can import "FILE_ID.DIZ" to yourboard. Working with all BBS's withFILES.BBS! Works with ARC/ARJ/ DWC/EXE/HA/HAP/HPK/HYP/LZH/PAK/SQZ/ ZIP/ZOO! Dizmanalso describes BMP,
DIZZY1.ZIP 12,568 09-24-93 DIZZY; Free DOS utility: FILE_ID.DIZ off-line reformatter v1.01a, reformats any textfile into 44 (or other spec. length)character lines, preparing it for use as aFILE_ID.DIZ (a BBS .ZIP file contentsdescriptor). W/
DIZZY41A.ZIP 60,910 06-21-93 ╒══════════════════════════════════╕│ ***** DIZZY V.4.1a ***** ││ Now you can import FILE_ID.DIZ ││ or OTHER DESC. to your FILES.BBS ││ ││ # Support FLSEARCH.CTL / LIST.CTL
DLCNT10.ZIP 21,210 10-14-93 ProDoor/PCBoard File Download Counter v1.0;Analyze the PCBoard DOWNLOAD.TXT log file anupdate your DIR listing files to include thenumber of times each file has beendownloaded. Compatible with DOWNLOAD.TXTfiles trim
DLDCOU1A.ZIP 44,340 10-08-93 DLDCOUNT v1.1a; Download Counter updates youPCB DIRs with: Downloaded xx Time(s) IMPROVEBULLETIN DISPLAY Creates Blt * UncrippledShareware Incredibly fast - Runs in Event
DLINE15A.ZIP 61,745 01-16-94 DATELINE 1.5a Calendar and event database fobulletins, updates files by deleting outdatein Calendar feature for easy monthly plannin
DLINFO11.ZIP 4,975 09-12-93 DLINFO.PPE v1.01; PCBoard v15.0 [PPE]program to replace your prompts 159, 669,670, 674, 675 to enhance user informationwhen they don't have enough download bytesremaining or would exceed limits/ratios.
DLTRIM9E.ZIP 37,478 06-26-93 DLTrim v.9Eß - for PCBoard v14.5 & v15 Trimsfilenames from DOWNLOAD.TXT that are nolonger available for download. Bug-fix forsmall IDX files. Other utils that useDOWNLOAD.TXT will now give a more accuratepicture of
DLTXT11.ZIP 20,333 07-22-93 DLTxt v1.1; Generic DownLoad.TXT analyser toassist you in creating (PCBoard) bulletinswith statistical info on users' downloads anuploads of specified files. Smart WildCardsare supported (S*T matches SMART, not SOME
DODIZ101.ZIP 49,584 12-13-93 ░▒▓█▓▒░ DODIZ v 1.01 ░▒▓█▓▒░╔═══════════════════════════════════════════║ Creates File_id.diz Desc.sdi File.BBS║ Will also Up-Date Archive File.╚═══════════════════════════════════════════Currently Supports ARJ,ZIP,
DOWNLIST.ZIP 9,936 12-15-93 Creates List of Files your Users download
DROP11.ZIP 214,004 08-15-93 DROPPERS v1.1; The main purpose is to createUSERxxxx.BBS every time a user drop carrier.USERxxxx.BBS is made up of a HEADER andCOMMENT file. Each Header and comment filecan be configured for each profile and numbeof
DRS090B.ZIP 45,806 08-26-93 The Duplicate Removal System (DRS) v0.9. TheDuplicate Removal System allows PCBoardsysops to eliminate all duplicate revisionsof files from their BBS, thereby conservingdisk space. A must for the serious sysop!
DSDSTA10.ZIP 39,577 10-06-93 DSD Statistics Generator V1.0 User statisticgenerator for RemoteAccess V1.1 / 2.0.Generates a selection of ANSI / ASCII textfiles that contain a list of the top users iareas such as Number of calls, Number ofMessage
DSFC12.ZIP 52,917 09-18-93 DSFONCHK v1.2; This is a MUST for everyTriBBS Sysop! DSFonChk will search throughyour users' phone numbers, and make a filelist of all of all the duplicates! Keeppeople from having more than 1 account! Alsoconfigura
DSJM10.ZIP 26,177 09-18-93 JUMPMENU v1.0; Jump from menu to menu withouhaving to go through the Main Menu! GiveTriBBS 4.x a Quick Logon just like 5.0!Multi-Node ready!
DSJ_Q10.ZIP 51,857 09-18-93 DSJ&Q v1.0; The ultimate Joke and QuoteGenerator! Your choice of words! Your choiceof Colors! Blinking or not Blinking! Centereor not Centered! You decide! Multi-Nodeready! Unlimited Joke or Quote capacity!
DSMM12.ZIP 44,407 08-18-93 MSTRMAKR v1.2; Master File ListMaker! Makes a Master File Listing ofyour File Areas for all to download!Configurable to specific File Areas andwill automaticaly archive the list withthe compression utility of your c
DSPAGE20.ZIP 37,406 07-02-93 DSPAGE v2.0; Sysop Page Bell Changer. Now hathe option of sending the caller a screenstating if the Sysop is available for chat,or not. For TriBBS Bulletin Board Systems.
DSSS10.ZIP 46,444 09-18-93 SUBSET v1.0; Automatically set a new userssubscription expiration date to any number odays from their first logon! For TriBBSBulletin Board Systems. 4.0 and up only!
EU_11.ZIP 2,925 08-14-93 [PPE] ExUser v1.1. Exempts certain users froforced password changes. Useful if you run amail hub and don't wish to force your netSysOps to change passwords and scripts. Musthave Password PSA enabled.
EXMASCRD.ZIP 38,688 11-16-93 Dos Executing RoboSysop Xmas Card,RoboBoard
EXPIR101.ZIP 2,737 07-25-93 EXPIRE! v1.01; A PCBOARD 15.0 .PPE utilitythat will allow you to change the expiry datof the online user. Passcode protected so itcan be used at security level 0(zero).
EXPRES15.ZIP 45,463 08-23-93 Expressions BBS Logon Messenger v1.5; This ia much improved version of my LogonMessenger. This version has been recompliedusing TriDoor1.21 and fixes a bug that wascausing the program to scroll from the bottoof scre
EXTPW104.ZIP 48,331 10-18-93 Extended Check and Change Password for RA 2.
EXZT223K.ZIP 188,957 09-18-93 ExZTest 2.23 ßeta 11 - THE upload tester.Some small improvements for those still usinit! This is a public beta release. Pleasedirect all questions to the ExSupportconference on participating boards.
EZP100.ZIP 29,366 10-06-93 EZPEEK v1.0; A full-featured BBS archiveviewer. Created specifically for Ezycom!
EZV121.ZIP 130,922 08-29-93 EZVERIFY 1.21; The first and onlyfull-featured callback verifier createdspecifically for the Ezycom BBS! Guaranteedto work with Ezycom 1.02! It's easy to setup, yet includes many configurable optionsfor the advanced
EZY2AREA.ZIP 9,019 06-28-93 EZY2Area v1.0; Utility for converting EZYcomBBS v1.0x message area configuration to aQBBS/RA compatible type "AREAS.BBS" file.
EZYCDROT.ZIP 7,843 08-06-93 Ezycom utility for working with multipleCD-ROMs.
EZYDROP.ZIP 8,413 10-06-93 EZYCOMM BBS Drop Carrier Bulletin Creator.
FAHC052B.ZIP 12,530 10-06-93 Ezycom BBS Freeware File Area Banner Creator
FASTAT11.ZIP 33,591 10-02-93 File Area STATistics v1.1: Generate bulletinfiles showing file area statistics. Supportsmultiple conferences. For Powerboard 1.25a
FBOXSF1A.ZIP 113,367 07-27-93 File Box! For Spitfire 3x v1.1a; Fast PrivatFile System! Many Features! ANSI and More!
FCLEAN10.ZIP 21,362 09-17-93 FCLEANER v1.0; Cleans Renegade File Bases AnEXTENDED.DAT Files By 4 Different Methods.Also "Fixes" EXTENDED.DAT.
FC_03.ZIP 11,361 09-24-93 FileCost v0.3; FileCost will update yourfiles database with credits as you define. Fcan update ALL files or just those that haveno credits applied yet. FileCost canoptionally give users credits for the filesthey hav
FDUDE40.ZIP 149,540 07-19-93 FILEDUDE v4.0 for Renegade BBS Software Thefinal answer to your file management woes.Many features: CD-ROM / FILES.BBS import;FILE_ID.DIZ import (unlimited lines); Fileentry fixing and maintenance; Extremelyflexible
FFIX102.ZIP 50,085 11-29-93 FileFix v1.02 - File area rearranger DEMO
FILE2JUL.ZIP 13,755 08-15-93 FILE2JUL v1.0 - Backup LOG files using Julia
FILECON.ZIP 28,835 10-15-93 FILECON v1.0; First release of a files listformatter for TRIBBS. The program fullysupports both Hard disks and CD-ROMs. Itautomatically recognizes FILES.BBS andPC-BOARD style files lists and converts bothto TRIBBS f
FILES_SF.ZIP 9,902 12-25-93 FILES_SF v1.2; Converts FILES.BBS To SFFILES
FIXLIST.ZIP 6,733 09-29-93 Convert WC Pro 3.01 Two line file lists touse with WCFILE.
FLAG22.ZIP 20,473 09-28-93 FLAG.PPE, v2.2, a replacement for PCBoard'sinternal "more?" prompt, gives PCBoard v15.0the easiest-to-use system for flagging andviewing files of any BBS around. It givescallers the ability to point and shoot whenf
FLISTER2.ZIP 139,751 11-06-93 Creates ALLFILES listing, built in reader
FLOTQP22.ZIP 6,274 09-21-93 FLORIDA LOTTO QUIK PIK v2.2 for PCB v15.0This is a PPE program that will allow yourusers to generate Quik Pik numbers for playin the Florida Lottery. Now supports bothPICK5 and PICK6.
FMAN12.ZIP 9,693 08-12-93 File Manager v1.2; This useful Renegade 7-17utility will scan your file bases and fix alof the incorrect entries, including whetherfile exists, its size, and the number of filpoints required. Fast & free!
FMNEWS12.ZIP 8,668 10-18-93 FormNews v1.2; ANSI/ASCII screen generator.Generates screens in continuous paper mode.
FMSFMT10.ZIP 118,582 12-29-93 RBBS-PC utility merge/reformat FMS dirs.Merge new file listings into existing,reformat old dirs. Lets you resortdirs with extended descriptions. Willget descriptions from DIZ files. Massconvert category codes, ch
FN110.ZIP 4,165 09-27-93 FLAGNEW.PPE v1.10; PCBoard v15.0 [PPE]program that flags all new files inspecified directories for later download.Additionally a capture file with alldescriptions will be zipped and flagged fordownload.
FNET_14.ZIP 14,174 08-14-93 FNET@ v1.4; FeatherNet BBS @-MACRO developerTSR util. <ALT><INS> invokes. Handy for quicreference to FeatherNet's Xcodes and "@"macros. Can also, "TRANSFER" your selectionto your work surface.
FNGAP_10.ZIP 12,405 08-14-93 GAP@ v1.0; GAP BBS v6.x @-MACRO developersTSR util. <ALT><INS> invokes. Handy for quicreference to GAP's "@" macros and Xcodes.Can also, "TRANSFER" your @-Macro selectionto your work surface.
FNWC_10.ZIP 12,565 08-14-93 WC@ v1.0; Wildcat! 3.x + @-MACRO developersTSR util. <ALT><INS> invokes. Handy for quicreference to Wildcat BBS "@" macros. Also,"TRANSFERS" a macro to your editor or graphidevelopment program.
FQSF10.ZIP 37,711 07-27-93 FastQuote v1.0 For Spitfire 3.x Systems;Creates Nice ANSI/ASCII Display of one lineQuotes! FAST! Many Extras!
FRAME11.ZIP 49,947 09-14-93 FRAME v1.1 for RemoteAccess Generate Top UseBulletins, Top Download File List, and FileHeader for RemoteAccess. All outputs can becustomizable and drawn with your favouriteANSI editor. For RemoteAccess 2.0 and up
FS-13.ZIP 24,451 12-01-93 FILESTAT v1.3 SFFILES.BBS Utility for SF.Appends File Descriptions With Number ofFiles Inside Each ZIP/ARJ File, Oldest &Newest File Dates. AUTO-TRUNCATE SWITCH!
FTSF15.ZIP 93,713 01-19-94 ─═ FAST THOUGHTS! v1.5 For Spitfire ═─Show your users one line thoughts everytime they logon! Comes with over 3500+Thoughts Makes ANSI/ASCII Display Files!
FWKCS122.ZIP 523,200 08-10-93 FWKCS Contents_Signature System v1.22; Thepremier system for recognizing duplicatefiles and zipfiles, for both speed andstatistical resolution. It keeps zipped pathinformation, and AV stamps, in virus testingof zipf
FWKLU122.ZIP 97,231 08-10-93 FWKLU122.ZIP remote Lookup kit for use withFWKCS Contents_Signature System v1.22. Use ito get complete zipfiles from the hugecollections giant BBS's running FWKCS.. Avoiuploading files they already have.
FX8_100E.ZIP 495,442 11-11-93 Update 8 line version RoboBoard Fx to 1.0e
FXADJ10.ZIP 8,491 11-22-93 Adjust a couple of RoboBoard FX statistics
FXINFO.ZIP 13,510 07-22-93 RoboBOARD/FX v1.00 & Tel-FX ProtocolInformation: info is about a new GraphicalProtocol called TEL-FX, this Protocolsupports ANSI,VGA and Super VGA. Supportsfrom 640x480 all the way too 1024x768 using(16 and 256 colo
FXMOUSE.ZIP 17,407 12-27-93 "F/X" Mouse on RoboBoard F/X
FXU-006.ZIP 92,436 12-23-93 FX-UTIL for RoboBoard/FX------------------------Generation of FILELISTs, NEWFILELISTs and FOMerging FILES.BBS and *.FBS; Sorting by FileExtracting FILE_ID.DIZ; Global Import FILESand more ....The BEST (??) Util the
FXUC02B.ZIP 41,791 07-27-93 FX UUCICO v0.2beta; Drop-in replacement forWaffle UUCICO. It's full compatible withWaffle 1.65, but adds a lot of new features
FYI100.ZIP 104,966 12-08-93 FOR YOUR INFORMATION v1.00Program designed for RoboBOARD FX SysOps topromote their BBS to their local and longdistance users by displaying their qualitygraphical screens. Plays .CMF sound filesin the background with
GLOTQP11.ZIP 4,861 09-21-93 GEORGIA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.1 for PCB v15.0This is a PPE program that will allow yourusers to generate Quik Pik numbers for playin the Georgia Lottery or any lottery thatuses six numbers from 1 to 46.
GRAPHFX1.ZIP 202,662 01-10-94 GraphFX v1.0;Statistical bar graphgeneration program for RoboBOARD/FX.Reports system calls hourly, daily, ormonthly (up to 7 different reports). SupportANSI, ASCII and RoboBOARD {}-Coded TXTformats. Totally custom
HAPPYUSR.ZIP 32,748 09-23-93 Happy User - Gives incentive to users foruploading.
HEADLN10.ZIP 51,439 01-01-94 HEADLINE v1.00 is program for buildingpromotional messages such as BBS Ads,and announcements. A helpfile, alongwith on screen prompts, help to makethe program user friendly. ThisFREEWARE program uses large capti
HELPER.ZIP 54,127 01-09-94 Pull-Down Help menus for RoboBoard/FX
HER110-1.ZIP 510,469 06-23-93 The FileHerald v1.10 Revision 1 -a combined file listing, file announcingand filebase maintenance utility all-in-one. Supports SBBS/RA/ProBoard/QuickBBS/RoboBBS/Wildcat!/WME and any BBS softwarethat uses FILES.BBS s
HISTRY17.ZIP 100,717 07-19-93 Year in History v1.7; which lets playersguess what year events happened.Multi/bbs/node bauds up to 115k, fossildriver and dv aware, com-ports 0-15. No othefiles needed! Fixed the NO ANSI errors. Willwork with Fossil
IDXUTIL4.ZIP 95,180 09-19-93 IDX-Util v4.0; PCB 15.0 Utilities List filesusing wildcards, List Duplicate files,cross-reference two .IDX files and list Dupsor create a 3rd Index containing Dups or youcan Kill the Dups. Change Drive Letters in.ID
IM100.ZIP 60,939 11-07-93 ImHere 1.00 multi-line user announce utilityMajor BUG fix since last version andmany more features. Lets users know who logsand out of the system and more.
JBBS_BR2.ZIP 2,124 07-08-93 The Jerusalem Brodcaster v2.0 [PPE] Let userBrodcast messages in PCB v15.0 to each otherLogs all Brodcasts, and all Attempts to yourcallers logs. New Interface, Freeware! Enjoy
JEST222.ZIP 72,167 09-26-93 JestBBS 2.22; Funny BBS utility that displaya joke at logon/logoff. OVER 2130 JOKESINCLUDED! Creates ANSI, ASCII, and optionallRIP files!
JTBBULL.ZIP 21,464 01-08-94 JT's Birthday Bulletin Creator v1.0; VeryFast Screen Creator For SF 3.x NiceANSI/ASCII Display Files
JVDNLD02.ZIP 93,152 07-13-93 JVDNLD02.ARJ 92428 07-13-93 07-13-93 f| Companion program for GT Power 1800 and ab| GT_PIGGY.BAT to count downloads in downloa| Run in GTLOGOFF.BAT or nightly maintenance| bulletin of 20 most wanted downloads i
KALBK16A.ZIP 5,150 10-07-93 Kallback v1.6A: PCB PPE designed to assistyou in calling back users for verification.
LAST1-41.ZIP 52,299 08-20-93 Last ten caller screen creator
LASTCA1A.ZIP 47,778 10-08-93 Pegasus Last Caller Analyzer v1.1a; Nowcontrols 100+ nodes! Runs in $$LOGOFF.BAT,and creates a colorful blt with last xxcallers SysOp May Exclude up to 25 names!List up to 50 callers
LASTWRD6.ZIP 37,851 12-05-93 Leave comment to next RoboBoard FX caller
LAST_112.ZIP 72,311 07-22-93 SpitFire LAST-TEN Callers Stat v1.12d** Part of a New type of Utilitieswritten by a SpitFire BBS SysOpwho wants to see more people creatingInexpensive Add-Ons for our BBSi
LBTST25C.ZIP 98,602 09-23-93 Labtest v2.5; The Definitive UploadProcessor! Labtest will unarchive/scan/convert your user's uploads and add a textfile as an archive comment. Labtest willalso import FILE_ID.DIZ descriptions and GIFfile resolutio
LCALL14.ZIP 31,342 08-08-93 Logcall v1.4 - maximus today's caller utilit
LCLUP440.ZIP 29,373 06-20-93 LOCALUP v4.40; Easy way to perform *local*(or external) uploads into a FeatherNet orpcboard file base. It includes archive andtext file viewing, reading text files withinarchives, deleting unwanted files andFILE_ID
LEECH10.ZIP 1,716 08-01-93 File Leech Chop Buster - PCBoard 15.0 PPE;Let your file leeches know you don't care fothem! Source included. Free & fun!
LF_ON130.ZIP 13,339 09-22-93 OneLiners and More PPE v1.30: Stat Screens;One Liners; Last Few Callers; Message FromLast Caller; Cosmetic Changes; New Options
LGNMSG16.ZIP 23,524 08-09-93 Log On Mesage v1.6; program to be called inLOGON.BAT or pre logon.bat type files forBBS's. Will display a sysop defined messageto the user explaining that the board is notcrashed, it is just executing some commands.
LLOTQP11.ZIP 4,867 09-21-93 LOUISIANA LOTTO QUIK PIK v1.1 for PCB v15.0This is a PPE program that will allow yourusers to generate Quik Pik numbers for playin the Louisiana Lottery or any lottery thatuses six numbers from 1 to 44.
LOGBRAIN.ZIP 102,571 10-18-93 LAST CALLER LOGON.BAT GRAFITTI PROGRAM; Runwith the LOGON.BAT option found in GAP. Willcreate a spiffy last caller file and anoptional Grafitti Comment Wall. Creates aplain text ASCII and a fancy ANSI file. Sysocan
LOGIN10.ZIP 2,712 10-16-93 LOGIN.PPE; Allows UUCP systems to log intoyour PCBoard system while allowing seamlessaccess for your users.
LOGVIEW1.ZIP 61,023 08-15-93 LogView; View, download, and delete all ascifile on-line. Search text and batchprocessing Baud rate up to 115200 andnon-standard serial port. Novell, Lantastic,DesqView compatible. Bios or direct screenwriting.
LSCAN10.ZIP 33,157 12-29-93 Log-Scan v 1.00 is a utilitythat will scan your ROBO_?.LOGfiles and grab all file XFERinfo and write it to a specifiedoutput file.
LSTAT087.ZIP 27,952 08-29-93 LogStat RemoteAccess Log Analyzer! This RAUtility scans your compact or expanded logfile and tallies up occurrences of differ-ent entries! Excellent configuration makesthis program easy to set up and run. It'sShare
LUCKY141.ZIP 11,478 10-08-93 THE LUCKY USER PROFILE SURVEY [PPE] v1.41b;which shall by Sysop definably array, askusers to comment on your BBS, and award extrtime. Creates Bulletins. Release adds a sysodefinable screen, if user bypasses the ppe.
L_JIVTEC.ZIP 10,439 09-13-93 Humourous language files for TriBBS 5.0: Jivand Techie!
MACROCVT.ZIP 5,899 08-26-93 MACRO CONVERT v1.0; Program for convertingthe @MACRO codes in FeatherNet BBS v4.2a'sscreens to the NEW code names in FeatherNetBBS v5.0. This will work for ASCII, ANSI,XCODE & RIP screens and menus.
MAIL2FAX.ZIP 84,429 10-06-93 Mail2Fax; Send out PcBoard messages via Fax.Messages are directly read from the PCBmessage base and powerful reply andcoversheet generation facilities. Supports Uand European telephone systems. RequiresPcBoard v15.
MAILCL15.ZIP 7,362 08-16-93 MailCall v1.05: FD to RemoteAcceslastuser.bbs utility.
MAKEFREQ.ZIP 4,159 08-09-93 Freq file list generator for Ezycom BBS.
MAXPTCLN.ZIP 13,761 07-22-93 MAXPTCLN - Minor user base cleanup forMaximus [2.0/2.01]. Renumbers lastread_ptrfield so all users have a unique number whilechoing the user phone number and name to thscreen. Source Available.
MAXUTIL.ZIP 61,756 12-30-93 Max-Util v1.0 Maintain Maximus *.CTL Files
MA_1L20.ZIP 12,943 07-29-93 MA-1L 2.0 [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0. Onelinerslike none other, with source
MA_BAT20.ZIP 5,703 07-26-93 MA-BAT 2.0 [PPE] for PCBOARD 15.0 SimplifyBLIND uploads to your Board
ML8_100E.ZIP 188,349 11-12-93 Multi Line speedup for RoboBoard FX
MLRDIZ10.ZIP 64,980 08-01-93 My Little Realm's DizzE v1.0; The DIZ editorof your dreams. Create, load, print, andsave. Checks for the hyphen that BBS'srequire in the first two lines. Checks fortoo many lines (more than ten). Allowsblocking
MMQUES20.ZIP 24,140 07-05-93 MM Ques; List BBSs with WildCat! Create easyto read BBS lists from a standard WildCat!questionnaire. This archive includes a samplquestionnaire, sample bulletins and adatabase editor for complete offline control
MMUPS151.ZIP 15,807 08-26-93 MM Uploads v1.51; Superior New File lists;Create easy to read and colourful New FileBulletins that also include a "Thank you"note to all the uploaders contributing.
MM_300G.ZIP 279,032 10-03-93 Menu Master v3.00 - The "Ultimate" MenuEditor. RA v1.xx/v2.xx.
MSGRTO12.ZIP 83,744 09-06-93 MESSAGE/RATIO v1.2ß Encourages your users tbecome more active in your message bases, fothe "Posting" of messages!! Limits access tareas of your choice by a specific Post/Rati
MTLOT10.ZIP 4,962 06-10-93 Modern Technology-Lottery v1.0 - [PPE] Allowcallers to Gamble for online time! *SourceIncluded* For PCBoard v15.0
MT_BBS10.ZIP 61,028 08-02-93 Modern Technology - BBSList (v1.0)/Std [PPE]PCBoard v15.0+ PPE/Door which allows callersto Create / Add / View / Sort and search bykeywords any sysop definable BBS List file/sUncrippled Shareware! >NO FEE< to Regis
MT_GRF11.ZIP 2,776 07-08-93 Modern Technology - Graf-Y and Graf-N - [PPEReplacement prompts for PCB 15.0 for the "Dyou want graphics (Enter)=no?" These promptlook & act just like the originals BUT do NOallow callers to Skip the Welcome file.
MT_MTX11.ZIP 102,973 08-02-93 Modern Technology - Matrix (v1.1) [/Standard[PPE] - Distributed as a Simulated DOS LogiShell for PCBoard v15+. However the look andfeel of the Dos prompt can easily be modifievia <setup files>. Sysops can assign Sys
MT_SCN11.ZIP 10,092 08-02-93 Modern Technology Generic Text Scan (v1.1)[PPE] / Door for PCBoard v15.0+ which allowcallers to Zippy scan/search sysop definedTEXT files for matches. A popular use forthis PPE would be to search the DOWNLOAD.
NCHAT_PP.ZIP 15,170 10-06-93 A NEW and better split screen chat! Faster,better looking, more features, moreconfigurable, and FREE! Release
NETLGO11.ZIP 32,930 09-07-93 NetLOGO v1.1; Will insert a Text file intoyour Zip's as a LOGO. NOT CRIPPLED in anyway, no extra's inserted into your ZIP file,just the logo. Now With BBS and SET Support
NEWFIL21.ZIP 34,053 09-29-93 NEWFILES 2.1: Generates bulletins showinguploaded files "nnn" days old. Supportsmultiple nodes and conferences. ForPowerboard 1.25a
NEWSDATE.ZIP 17,384 12-18-93 v1.0 Displays last Newsletter update, WC3.x
NEWUSRUP.ZIP 30,094 11-27-93 NewUserUp v1.00 Change 1st Call Time Left
NMSGS11M.ZIP 68,539 10-06-93 New Message Update for GAP v1.1 (Multi-node)NEWMSGS uses virtual memory techniques to doa very fast update of the new messagecounters for all your users. Freeware.
NUB17.ZIP 40,746 10-06-93 New User Bulletin v1.7; This is a littleutility that will list the new users on yoursystem in an ANSI and ASCII bulletin. You maconfigure the number of days to consider anew user, minimum access levels to include,an
NU_16A.ZIP 16,790 06-19-93 NEWUSER.PPE v1.60a; PCBoard 15.0 [PPE]program that can be used to replace the wayPCB registers new users. Display's a (SysOpdefinable) file for each PCBoard newuserquestion. Will Auto detect PCBoard SupporteAlloca
OFU104.ZIP 42,634 07-24-93 Opus Filename Updater: Contains OFU.EXE (theDOS ver) and OFUP.EXE (the OS/2 ver). OFUallows you to automatically change filenameswithin the Opus Files Database via acommand-line interface. This program shouldbe very
ONTODAY2.ZIP 7,690 07-21-93 OnToday, today's callers list for RA Sysopto use locally.
OV10.ZIP 85,525 09-20-93 PCB OverView v0.10; Now you can monitorPCBoard nodes in detail from the comfort ofWindows! The lucid, colorful display showscomplete stats for each node. Calculates timsince last call. User defined query of callelog
PAGE.ZIP 90,969 10-17-93 PAGE BRAIN SYSOP PAGE DOOR Set page hours,bell on/off times. Callers can leave a oneline comment with reason for paging.
PAPER20.ZIP 119,871 08-15-93 Computer Paper Display Conversion v2.0;Convert text files to computer paper displaySupport WIldcat 3.0 - 3.xx display codes.Remove all or partial wildcat codes; Displawildcat files (BBS/SCR/HLP/etc); Edit anyfile u
PATHTL22.ZIP 56,319 08-03-93 PathTool v2.2; A powerful utility whicheasily lets users modify PATH by usingstraight forward commands. PathTool iscapable of generating a PATH longer than 121bytes. It is more powerful than any existingPATH modifi
PBDIAG.ZIP 36,343 07-19-93 PBDIAG 1.00: Powerboard BBS ver 1.2 CompleteDiagnostics system. Provides analysis ofconference configuration, hardware/DOS/systeconfiguration, event, main setup, PCL syntaxcheck, vital EXE integrity, COMM portanalys
PBNEWBUL.ZIP 33,512 09-15-93 NEWFILES 1.0 : Generates a bulletin listingfiles that have been uploaded in the last"nnn" days. Powerboard 1.25a
PCB15SWE.ZIP 73,582 09-13-93 Swedish PCBTEXT file for PCB 15.0. Withmatching help files and menus. From Sweden.
PCB2EXD.ZIP 43,404 11-13-93 PCB2Exd Ver 1.0 From JEM SoftwareThis utility written for RoboBOARD FXcreates extended file descriptions fromPCBoard file lists. This utility isFREE for all registered Robo SysOps.
PCBATI6.ZIP 28,081 10-11-93 PCBATI6 v1.1: For PCBoard v14.5a and v15.0systems which, in conjunction with USR HSTModems, can monitor line noise, keep ahistory of it, and inform your callers whenthey experience line noise. Uses the HST'sATI6 c
PCBDIR11.ZIP 11,727 10-17-93 PCBDIR v1.1: A PCB utility to create customDIR files. Command line configurable usingPCB's DIR.LST file for it's information.
PCBDLCNT.ZIP 21,184 10-14-93 ProDoor/PCBoard File Download Counter v1.0;Analyze the PCBoard DOWNLOAD.TXT log file anupdate your DIR listing files to include thenumber of times each file has beendownloaded. Compatible with DOWNLOAD.TXTfiles trim
PCBML101.ZIP 72,455 08-14-93 PCBmail 1.0ß; PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program forNewuser Verfification. Uses standard PCBoard Userrecords. Saves the address in a.DBF file for possible mailings. User getsverficication number for a free definablep
PCLPACK.ZIP 94,694 07-13-93 PCLPACK 1.00: collection of control languageroutines, additions & hints from PowerboardBBS sysops, for Powerboard BBS v1.2+.
PDFM091B.ZIP 143,903 08-28-93 PDFM 0.91b Beta; PCBoard Deluxe File ManagerIf you've ever wanted an alternative toPCBFiler, here it is! PDFM is the solutionto your BBS file management problems.Performs more functions than PCBFiler butwith a much
PDPM_20A.ZIP 26,500 08-04-93 PCBDIRPM v2.00a; Will create a Multi-PageDIRx MENU for any one of your conferences.Very fast and simple to setup. Worksgreat with CDROMs, or BBS's that have a lotof files available for downloading.
POSTER25.ZIP 100,082 07-22-93 Poster 2.5-Top Ten Message Posting Contestfor Wildcat! Poster keeps track of yourmessage activity on a monthly basis. Duringthe month, Poster creates two differentbulletins designed to get your users to post(RIP bul
PPEMNU10.ZIP 2,713 08-14-93 PPE MENU v1.00. PPEMNU is a PPE program toallow Sysops the abiltiy to create specialmenus for all the numerous PPE programs thatare being written for PCBoard v15.0. Thismenu is displayed just like the Bulletinmenu
PQUES36.ZIP 8,661 12-29-93 PostQues 3.6 Questionnaire resp to msg base
PT-101.ZIP 23,888 07-15-93 PrevTen v1.0 Last Caller Utility for SpitFirBBS Systems.
PTIME10S.ZIP 7,821 08-31-93 PowerTime 1.00: Creates charts for bulletinsshowing a graph of number of callers for alltimes of the For Powerboard BBS 1.0-1.45.
PURGE21.ZIP 62,378 08-05-93 PCBoard Outdated File Handler v2.1; Purgeallows a PCBoard sysop to find old andoutdated files on the system. Purge allowssysop's to clean up their DIR's and H/D'seasier & faster than ever before. Only PCB15.0 util
QMASTER2.ZIP 6,080 07-03-93 @X0DQuote Master - Displays arandom quote for each user.PCBoard 15.0 PPE file. Has theoption for users to enter a quote.No Nag Messages, but still shareware.
RACITY10.ZIP 9,020 11-07-93 RA City v1.0 - A RemoteAccess v2.*Location utility. Command line utilityto replace those "non-standard"locations users input such as "city" or"home". Searches for partial strings inthe user location field. Very FA
RACNT10.ZIP 8,987 11-07-93 RA Count v1.0 - A RemoteAccess v2.*Total Call utility. Command line utilityto change the number of calls reported tothe bbs. Used for corrupted or lostSYSINFO.BBS. ! FREE ! By jLc Software.
RAFHEAD.ZIP 25,942 08-07-93 RAFHEAD v1.04; Adds Uploader Names intoRemoteAccess ver 2.00 FileBase Header Files!Great for those program that don't adduploader names!
RAFT29.ZIP 196,392 08-13-93 The Remote Access Filearea Tools v2.9; Usewith Remote Access V2.xx, replaces RAMGRand the file-area bit of RACONFIG totally, ifeatures an area-editor, add, delete, move,change your file-areas, edit all parametersfro
RAMFLG20.ZIP 11,608 09-23-93 RA Message Flags Report v2.0 - Generates areport of all message boards with their flagsettings. RA 2.0 only.
RAMSG001.ZIP 25,926 08-25-93 RAMSG v2.0r1; This is a maintenance revisionof RAMSG 2.00, which fixes the bugs
RASCN202.ZIP 17,006 10-10-93 RAScan v2.00; An online/offline uploadprocessor for RA 2.00 and higher. Support foimporting FILE_ID.DIZ, DESC.SDI, DESC.SDNfiles into the RA Files Data Base. Supportfor up to 10 compression programs. Supportfor you
RAUPDATE.ZIP 8,667 09-30-93 RA BBS file updater
RBTCH241.ZIP 250,039 01-09-94 RBatch 2.41; RBBS Batch Uploading, HS/Link,and BiModem Interface. This release nowsupports the LARGE FFS system that is foundin the BusiMods (STUNY), and will becompatible with the RFM mods. Will supportZSX, Puma,
READIDX1.ZIP 26,097 08-31-93 ReadIdx is a utility will lookup the recordnumber of a user on a TriBBS version 4.x orhigher. It returns the record number. Freewith C++ source code.
REMOTE93.ZIP 48,093 07-06-93 Ever had remote system operators have theneed to view script answer files? However,you have only been able to use the sysopcommand to view files, meaning you haveto know path locations. Now we have a easyway to vie
RGFLCO16.ZIP 40,386 10-07-93 RENEGADE FILE LISTER COMPILER v1.60 ßetaCreates selective list of all your files.Auto-compress, adds file_id.diz, nice formatArchive creation now optional. Updates data.
RGRPT100.ZIP 24,566 10-14-93 RGReport v1.00beta; Brand new, uniqueRenegade utility. Will create detailed reporabout your BBS. Very easy to configure!
ROTATE12.ZIP 35,800 08-22-93 BBS screen file rotation utility Genericenough to run with just about any BBS.
RS232.ZIP 45,322 07-01-93 RS232 v1.01; Enables you to debug most ofyour RS-232 problems much faster than beforeWith the program, you can actually see thedata transmitted in both directions on a reatime basis. The program also supports themon
RUDMU20B.ZIP 42,922 11-14-93 RUDMU is a utility designed to operate withRBBS-PC to automate the process of movingfiles from the upload directory to the propedownload directories. RUDMU is beingdistributed as freeware.
RUSHTHTS.ZIP 3,639 10-02-93 Quotes from Rush Limbaugh in Thoughts.bbsform. Most quotes are from his bestsellerThe Way Things Ought to Be.
RYNEWF12.ZIP 18,970 10-04-93 RyNEWF v1.0; RyNEWF is a new file lister. Itis mainly meant to be used in first.bat forusers to scan for new files at log-on insteaof having to go to the file menu to scan forthem. RyNEWF using download.bbs to tell i
SENDFAXP.ZIP 3,750 08-16-93 PPS and PPE for PCB15 to prepare msg 2b faxeThis script accepts fax number etc, then putuser in editor to enter message text. Usewith a 'fax mail' program (not included). PPsource included.
SETED11.ZIP 4,202 09-11-93 SETED v1.1; [PPE] will replace the stock Wcommand on PCboard 15+ with a Menu driveninterface of all the options that a user cannormally edit. It will auto Detect the Aliasand Address PSA's and will edit the menuacco
SF-DAILY.ZIP 14,396 11-29-93 SF-DAILY v1.0; System Stastics BulletinCreator For SF.. Ansi/Ascii/RIP Screen(s), 2Days of Stats!
SF2WC.ZIP 135,644 06-09-93 Utility to use to convert your Spitfire 3.3users database over to Wildcat 3.x.
SFADFL15.ZIP 57,755 10-05-93 Addfiles v1.15; Automatically uploads filesto your SPITFIRE BBS if they contain aFILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI. Minor update and bufix. No more sound effects.
SFAUTO12.ZIP 21,585 09-14-93 SFAUTO v1.20; A Simple Utility that willmanage Subscription security levels and more
SFBIRTH2.ZIP 14,185 10-02-93 SFBIRTH v1.1; SFBIRTH Will Creat BBS/CLRDisplay Files Of Users Birthdays. FreeWare
SFCHKUP.ZIP 16,060 11-21-93 SFCHKUP v2.5a; SPITFIRE BBS Utility From BCSUse To Test Integrity Of Uploads
SFDIZ.ZIP 9,726 01-01-94 SFDIZ v1.0; Alters SPITFIRE's SFFILES.BBSfile description by use of FILE_ID.DIZ.
SFFAM20.ZIP 86,545 11-30-93 SF-FAM v2.0 A full SF File Area Manager.Includes complete File Area Editor.Support for multi-node,CDROM,offline.Can run as event. MUCH, MUCH MORE!
SFLF_31.ZIP 51,543 10-07-93 SFLAST5 v3.1; Create an ASCII and an ANSIfile for your SPITFIRE BBS which lists thelast callers to your system. SFLAST5 canalso be used to create an ASCII and ANSIbulletin which graphically illustrates whenusers ca
SFLGST20.ZIP 20,542 11-29-93 SFLGST v2.0; Spitfire Logon Statistic'sDisplay Maker For Today And Yesterday'sStats. Includes RIP Graphics Support
SFLOGRPT.ZIP 45,726 10-11-93 SpitFire Sysop Report Generator; Intended foSpitFire BBS sysops to keep track of exactlywhat the users are up to. It will generate areport for you that displays severaldifferent pieces of information that itobtains
SFLZ100.ZIP 8,577 12-09-93 SFLOGZIP v1.0; Protect your valuable filesand conserve disk space at the same time!
SFM-341.ZIP 264,286 11-14-93 SF-MASTER Release v3.41; CompleteSPITFIRE 3.4 Managment System
SFMER15.ZIP 48,221 12-25-93 SFMERGER v1.5; SFMERGER is a Full FeatureSFFILES.BBS and SFFILES.XX alphabetizer,sorter, MasterFile Download lister in one!
SFMNUEXT.ZIP 31,906 10-15-93 SPITFIRE Menu Extension v1.5; Use to increasSPITFIRE's door capabilities and menu optionto unlimited amounts! Supports RIP!
SFNEWU.ZIP 35,975 09-28-93 Menu Driven Utility To Set Up A New UserQuestionnaire (Very Easy. Use When InstallinSf, Or To Update Questionnaire!)
SFNUFILE.ZIP 12,881 07-29-93 SF NuFile Utility v1.8; NuFile Utility is aSPITFIRE utility that examines yourCALLERS.LOG and creates an ANSI and an ASCIIbulletin which list the public uploadedfiles since last run.
SFTOUCH.ZIP 27,696 11-15-93 Update file dates in SFFILES toTODAY's date.
SFTSTUSR.ZIP 9,801 12-26-93 SFTSTUSR v1.0; Test the integrity ofSPITFIRE's caller database (SFUSERS.DAT).
SFUED114.ZIP 76,829 12-09-93 StormFront User Editor for the Opus CBCS
SFUP18.ZIP 7,167 08-04-93 SpitFire BBS User Purge Utility.
SFUSERS.ZIP 46,954 11-28-93 SFUSERS v1.5c; Fully Maintain SF's CallerDatabase Find Dup Phone #, Birthdate &Password Caller Subscription Support & More
SFUSRTXT.ZIP 14,246 10-23-93 SPITFIRE SFUSRTXT v1.1; This Program WillConvert Your SFUSERS File To ASCII Text ByUser Name Or All.
SHOWEM30.ZIP 24,162 01-18-94 SHOW`EM V3.5 - A RoboBOARD/FX 1.02 ALLFILESList Generator A great ALLFILES list creatormany configurable options for a customdesigned ALLFILES List. Handles multi line
SMS2LIB.ZIP 141,650 08-04-93 Files required to provide RBBS FMS directorysupport for the So Much Shareware 2 CD-ROM.
SNIPT.ZIP 122,008 07-09-93 SNIPPET v5.02; Auto BBS quote bulletingenerator. Unique configuration utilitymakes it EZ to customize for any system. Runvia event, door or stand-alone. Graphicsoptions and selectable foreground/backgroundcolors.I
SPANISH.ZIP 4,945 09-18-93 Spanish format language; Language for TriBBS5.0, put language in spanish fot make yourmore good!!
SPIT2MAX.ZIP 13,784 07-22-93 SPIT2MAX - Converts Spitfire [3.2/3.3] userbase to a Maximus [2.0/2.01] compatible userbase. Source available.
SPITST20.ZIP 19,706 12-04-93 SPITSTAT v2.0 Statistical BulletinGenerator for SF 3.4+, Several NEWEnhancements in this version! NowSupport for 16.8 and 19.2 Connects.
SRTDSC24.ZIP 170,928 06-09-93 SORTDESC V2.4 Find file descriptions fromeither FILE_ID.DIZ or captured file listing(& move file to a different directory based okey words in that description, placedescription a separate listing. With optionsto add
STAR_108.ZIP 70,794 11-30-93 SpitFire Bulletin Generator v1.08** Part of a New type of Utilitieswritten by a SpitFire BBS SysOpwho wants to see more people creatingInexpensive Add-Ons for our BBSiFor More Popular BBSi, added a RIPGraphics I
STATS3.ZIP 21,392 10-13-93 STATS v3.0; New Features include RIPdetection and SysOp definable options.
STATSC1C.ZIP 29,041 10-06-93 StatusC: Generate Export, Import, Last Imporand Monthly Total bulletins using Cam-Maillogs. Multi-Network. Rollovers. ANSI, ASCIIand PCB color/mono support.
STATSO.ZIP 50,218 12-14-93 Statso v1.0 ++ Activity Log analyzer forWildcat! 3.xx BBS's. Makes a concise onescreen display of your activity log filefor up to 12 different log files. Noregistration fee! A free utility forWildcat! SysOp's! From
SUBLST21.ZIP 21,222 05-23-93 SUBLIST v2.0; Enhanced "List" command forSearchlight BBS systems v3.xx. Showssubboard membership, new message counts, andmore. Multi-tasking and multi-node aware.Monitors idle time and user time limits.Sports a ne
SURVEYS2.ZIP 59,531 12-08-93 Two .PLT files to run two surveysPersonal and Board. Includes two.EXE files to split the Y and Nanswers to Do You wish to sharewith all. Includes my TFX screenKenneth JonesEagles Nest 1-(909)338-6872
SWITCH-L.ZIP 30,182 08-24-93 SwitcheRoo v2.0; Effective in giving your BBa "new" look. What Switcheroo! does is aftereach and every call, switches your menu anddisplay screens so that your next caller ismet with all new displays.
SYSHELP.ZIP 29,852 11-24-93 SYSOP HELPER v0.01a WC Utils at a keystrokeThis is a small utility that I made to helpme in using the utilities that came withWildcat 3.90.
SYSHLPB.ZIP 31,390 11-30-93 SYSOP HELPER v0.01b BUG FIXWC Utils at a keystroke.This is a small utility that I made to helpme in using the utilities that came withWildcat 3.90.
SYSOPUP.ZIP 9,736 08-31-93 SysopUp replaces empty "Uploaded By:" fieldsin the RA Filebase with the sysop's name(taken from RA 2.00's configuration). Andbest of all, this program is FREEWARE!
TAGLOG20.ZIP 53,220 01-12-94 TagLog 2.0 Examines many aspects of logs
TAGMENUS.ZIP 60,687 12-12-93 TagMenus Adds Tagline to bottom of WC menus
TAGSTAT1.ZIP 28,417 09-16-93 T.A.G. Statistics v1.0; User/SystemStatistics Door for T.A.G. BBS
TB121.ZIP 10,083 10-19-93 TriBackup v1.21; Backup your TriBBS bulletinboard in no time. Multinode compatible,enables you to choice which files you wantedbacked up and more! TriBBS 5.00 compatible!Now works JOKER.DAT.
TBCHK10.ZIP 9,673 09-19-93 TBCheck v1.0; TBCheck will check the lastentry of your TriBBS callers.log to see ifthe caller did a certain thing (entered adoor, posted a message, was a new user, etc,etc) and returns an errorlevel.
TB_GER.ZIP 6,502 09-28-93 The German language file and thecorresponding menues for TriBBS 5.0
TCAT100.ZIP 212,247 08-09-93 TCAT v1.00; Tape cataloging system. For usewith Colorado compatible tape backup systemsSupports import from and export to Paradoxdatabase format. Other features includedescription mastering, FILE_ID.DIZ scanning,du
TDYLST21.ZIP 43,908 09-22-93 This simple utility will scan your Wildcatfiles database and create a text file of newuploads in your specified areas. The areasand dates for the scan are easily changed.
TFIXUS10.ZIP 16,919 05-26-93 TriFixUS 1.0; Utility program to repair acorrupted USERS.SUP file. This program caneither repair the entire USERS.SUP file or aindividual record.
TGQUOT41.ZIP 68,487 07-17-93 TGQuote v4.1 - Telegard Daily Quote GeneratoUses the Telegard color codes to generate atext file, or ANSI to generate a color textfile. You are allowed to enter up to 4 linesfor the quote, with 65 characters per line
TIMZON11.ZIP 5,641 08-05-93 TimeZone v1.1; A Freeware PCBoard 15.0 "PPE"utility to assign "time slots" to as many as30 users!! And you can configure TimeZone toonly operate during certain hours, or exemptanyone from xx security level and higher
TJSTAT13.ZIP 52,754 09-06-93 TJStat v1.3; Activity Log analyzer forWildcat! 3.xx BBS's. Makes a concise onescreen display of your activity log file forup to 10 different log files. No registratiofee! A free utility for Wildcat! SysOp's.
TLIST120.ZIP 34,306 10-06-93 Ezycomm Filelist and Areabanner Creator.
TMAST24.ZIP 15,506 08-18-93 TriMast v2.4 - Master File List creator forTriBBS. Now has CD-ROM file area count,clearer output of number sequences, and nowhas TriBBS v5.0 compatability. DO NOT useTriMast 2.4 on TriBBS prior to 5.0!
TODAYC12.ZIP 34,579 10-02-93 TODAY's CALlers 1.2: Generates bulletin fileshowing who called your BBS today. Supportsmultiple nodes! for Powerboard 1.25a.
TRICIU10.ZIP 36,334 07-25-93 TriCheckInactiveUsers v1.0; A TriBBS 4.xutility designed to check the USERS.DAT filefor users who have not logged onto your boarin a specified number of days. If inactiveusers are found, TriCIU generates auser-speci
TRICPS10.ZIP 31,084 07-31-93 TriCheckPageStatus v1.0; A TriBBS 4.x utilitdesigned to check the status of the page belevery time a user logs on and generate alogon screen telling the user if the Sysop ior isn't available for a chat.
TRIDIE25.ZIP 48,635 08-27-93 TRI-DIE v2.5beta; TRIbbs DIrectory Enhancer.TRI-DIE creates custom MSGALL.ANS andDIRSALL.ANS screens in full ANSI color foreach caller! When a caller "changes filearea", TRI-DIE will not only show the fileareas ava
TRIDLS10.ZIP 33,813 08-15-93 TriDeleteLocalSysop v1.0; TriDLS is a TriBBS4.x utility designed to check the callers lowhen a user logs off. If the last caller isthe Sysop, TriDLS will delete the Sysop'sentry in the callers log and will also delet
TRINUG11.ZIP 36,545 07-28-93 TriNewUserGreeter v1.1; A TriBBS 4.x utilitydesigned to check the callers log when a uselogs off and if the last caller is a new usewill generate a user-specific logon screenpersonally welcoming the user to your BBS.
TRIULN10.ZIP 34,161 07-26-93 TRIULN v1.00; Will notify you by videomessage and by audio tones, when a user haslogged off your BBS. The audio tones can beenabled/disabled via configuration by thesysop. Now, you no longer have to be nearyour B
TTOP3013.ZIP 47,825 07-18-93 TRITOP30 v1.3; For use with TriBBS BulletinBoard Systems. TriTop30 will generate bothANSI and MONO bulletins which list the "Top30" files on your BBS based upon the numberof times the files were downloaded. You can
TWIT11.ZIP 36,268 07-18-93 Twit List Generator Version 1.1. To Be UsedWith Spitfire Only!
TYCB15.ZIP 45,768 10-07-93 Today/Yesterday Callers Bulletin v1.5; Littlutility that will create a bulletin listingall the users that have called you BBS TodayAnd Yesterday with both ANSI and ASCIIBulletins. Colors are completelyconfigurable,
U-SET114.ZIP 80,249 12-13-93 USERSET Door for RemoteAccess 2.00.Version 1.14 allow users to view andchange their BBS setup in a fullscreen door will all options built-in.An option to disable options is nowavailable. Added full language support.
UCHANGE.ZIP 7,312 11-07-93 Custom User Change Template, RoboBoard FX
UFDC13.ZIP 28,520 08-24-93 Ultimate File Download Counter v1.30; PCBoarutility that updates your DIR files with aline that shows how many times each file hasbeen downloaded. It allows your users toinstantly know which files are most popularus
ULMAN15D.ZIP 79,843 09-20-93 Upload Manager 1.5d upload processor; MEGAupload processor for Searchlight BBS systemsTESTS ZIP, ZOO, PAK, ARC, ARJ, LZH, GIF,SDN's. Integrity test, Virus scan, ZIP & ARJcomments, LOTS of Searchlight specificfeature
UNCONX74.ZIP 15,304 09-12-93 Opus Files Database UNCONverter makesold-style FILES.BBS for Opus 1.73a.
UNOTE101.ZIP 3,880 09-27-93 USERNOTE.PPE v1.01; Adds up to 5 morequestions to the new user script and storesinformation in PSANOTES. Questions are fullyconfigurable. Now logs answers to thecallers log.
UOD_RG21.ZIP 17,929 09-05-93 User of the Day vReneGade-2.1; RandomlySelects a User and awards him/her with aconfigurable ammount of FilePoints and/orXtra time on-line! Very configurable/easyto setup. Runs as a nightly event. Now withRIP suppo
UPDATE11.ZIP 10,139 01-07-94 ░▒ FILE DATABASE UPDATER v1.1 ▒░Updates the file database (FBS)files to include new files foundin standard FILES.BBS files. TheUPDATER has versitile options toerase the FILES.BBS, to processmultiple forums, to p
USERS_20.ZIP 104,509 08-25-93 Outputs a User List for Sysops runningWildCat 3.x BBS
USERUTL.ZIP 177,400 07-01-93 User Control Utility Multi-Node v3.0
USERUTL5.ZIP 35,768 07-05-93 UserUtil v1.50; Allows you to read in yourcallback door verified user list and comparethe names against the names in your usersfile. If the name does not exist in theusers file it is removed from the verifiedphone
UTLS220.ZIP 134,834 09-01-93 Megahost BBS Add-ons And Utilities
UUNAME10.ZIP 4,305 09-14-93 UUNAME; PPE for PCBoard 15.0 that formatsyour callers name into his or her Internetemail address on your system. This PPE canbe run from the PCBoard command line, or froinside a bulletin or other text display.
VC33.ZIP 10,536 11-19-93 Vacuum Cleaner v3.3, cleans Activity logs foRemoves many unwanted lines from your log firemoves the lines added by Wildcats "FAXSERVwhen no faxes were sent. From Larry Edwards
WASON122.ZIP 46,472 09-25-93 WAS-ON v1.22; Great TriBBS utility whichtells the user who the last caller to thesystem was. It makes allowances for nameswith 3 words (eg. Mark Van Hooren) and italso recognizes a one-word alias. And, asalways, the
WC30VIEW.ZIP 26,081 09-25-93 Wildcat 3.x+ File View program. Will handleZIP,ARJ,LZH archives! DV aware, very easy tinstall & use. (This is what is called whenyour users do the [V]iew command from theFiles menu). Has colors for ANSI callers,
WCEDT150.ZIP 205,127 12-30-93 WcEDIT! v1.5 - message/user editor for WC SyVery powerful and easy to use message and useditor designed specifically for Wildcat boaNo QWK packets are required -- messages aredirectly from your Wildcat database files
WCHT220.ZIP 146,767 08-08-93 WildChat v2.20; Replacement for WildCat!'smulti-line chat. It is MUCH faster, andprovides many more features. It's easier touse, more stable, and a lot more fun.Instead of having a crippled chat system,your WildCa
WCQUOTES.ZIP 15,724 10-27-93 Quotes.bbs file to add to current list
WELMAT11.ZIP 4,577 08-04-93 Welcome Mat v1.1; Freeware PCBoard 15.0 PPEthat selectively upgrades certain users thatyou pre-determined and displays an "upgradednotice" to them. Use at new logon or in BLTsand now offers conference registrations t
WELSF26.ZIP 120,606 10-12-93 "WELCOME" for Spitfire V2.5 Logon UtilityIt will generate a logon screen showingmany User Statistics and Last 12 CallersDV Aware and more! Bug Fix From v. 2.5!
WHOS101.ZIP 19,250 07-08-93 Who's On v1.01; WhosON displays a list ofcallers in the various nodes of a multi-lineOpus 1.7x BBS. Its output is a little nicerthan the built in "Who's On" function.
WILDFILE.ZIP 50,010 10-12-93 WildFile!; Wildcat! 3.x File Area Editor Thiprogram makes it painless to manipulate yourWildcat! file area descriptions and paths.Works with either the single or multi-userversions of Wildcat. Fully functional (not
WILDNEWS.ZIP 51,135 11-05-93 Wildnews 2.1This event makes Wildcat BBS compatiblebulletins,newsletters, "hellos" bymerging your introduction and afterthoughtswith a new paragraph from a multiparagraphfile each time it is run. EXAMPLE of useis t
WISON120.ZIP 14,391 10-05-93 Who Is Online v1.20 - In MultiTask Environ.Use within same task.
WIZARD11.ZIP 324,142 02-20-94 File Wizard Version 1.1 Areamanager forBBS-SysOp's. Supports SuperBBS, QuickBBS, RA1.11, RA 2.0x, LoraBBS, WME, ProBoard,Maximus, FLSEARCH.CTL. Lot's of functions,like areaSort, filelists, announcings, commoeditor t
WOH_120B.ZIP 29,186 11-13-93 Shows What's on Hold for nodes, for RA BBS
WUI_41A.ZIP 23,914 08-14-93 WUI.PPE v4.10a; PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program treplace your (W)rite User Information mainmenu command Displays a SysOp definable filefor each WUI command. Works with or withoutADDRESS and ALIAS PSA's. WUI, can now be u
WVY201.ZIP 13,187 11-02-93 WHO VISITED YESTERDAY v2.01 for WC! 3.xxWho Visited Yesterday v2.01 for WC! BBSsWe all know who called the BBS today butnow you can track users that called theBBS yesterday! Creates Hello/Bulletinscreens easily
WWGT110A.ZIP 127,471 07-29-93 WWIVgate v1.09; Design criteria was to keepconfiguration simple.
WWNET33.ZIP 210,207 05-20-93 WWIVnet; Network software and documentationfor WWIV BBS
WWSTRP12.ZIP 14,794 08-16-93 WWStrip v1.21; WWIV/VBBS color removerremoves WWIV/VBBS color codes and NET33+routing information from menu files,extracted messages, etc. for easier editingand reading. Very fast and easy to use.Strip directly fro
WWTYPE21.ZIP 17,155 08-18-93 WWType v2.0; WWIV/VBBS color in DOS! It'strue! WWType recreates the DOS TYPE commandexcept that it displays the screen as if youwere logged in with both color and centeringV.2.0 adds full VBBS color support,configu
WXMN115F.ZIP 31,298 12-11-93 WxMan v1.15f - WEATHER BULLETIN GENERATORWxMan calls the DUAT weather service (a tollfree call) and downloads local, regional,zone, and recreational forecasts for yourarea, then formats them for use as BBSbulletins.
X00153A.ZIP 107,264 12-12-93 X.00 A Low Level Serial I/O CommunicationsDriver for MS DOS and like Operating Systems
XDESC.ZIP 11,214 07-14-93 XDESC v1.0; Free utility: PCBoard filelistmulti-line description extractor. Scans yourdownloaded PCBoard directory listings for aknown filename, & returns its ENTIREdescription - EVEN if it spans two or morelines! W
XFAX006B.ZIP 29,864 05-24-93 XFAX Fax receiving software suitable forWaffle or other BBS v006b
XTRACT10.ZIP 9,818 10-21-93 XTRACT v1.0; Extracts selected caller logs.Xtract takes a string you send it and looksfor that string in the "login line". You catell Xtract to create a new log with callerseither matching or not matching the string
YESTCALL.ZIP 12,474 10-06-93 YESTCALL; Yesterday/Last 24 Hours Caller LisGenerator: Creates ANSI/ASCII Caller Listsfor the PREVIOUS DAY or the LAST 24 HOURS!The ANSI/ASCII files display name or handle,node number, logon, logoff, times called, an
ZEN103.ZIP 47,097 10-01-93 ZenList v1.03; The File List Processor forRemoteAccess 2.x. Featuring ALL/NEW fileslist generation, configurable listheader/footer and area header/footer, filelist format templating, sorting, adds headerto your fil